ADAPT Support
Testimonial 4
T.T.S. has given me the tools to grow and become a better dance educator. Thank you for this opportunity, your patience and…
Testimonial 2
Thanks for everything ADAPT has given me at T.T.S. Your methods, ideas and words of wisdom have taught me so much and…
Testimonial 3
Thank you ADAPT for all the great times at T.T.S. over the past three years. Everything you have said has given me…
Testimonial 5
I came to T.T.S. looking for inspiration, motivation and something new and different. I found all that and much, much more. Thank…
Testimonial 6
Mr. & Mrs. Foley, thank you for all that you have done for me. Your mentorship, knowledge, kindness and dedication to my…
Testimonial 7
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. My time in year one T.T.S. has been more than I could have hoped…
Testimonial 1
Mr. & Mrs. Foley, you both are so wonderful! I don’t even know where or how to begin to thank you both!…
Experts In Dance
ADAPT has 15 master dance educators who serve as ADAPT’s “Team of Examiners” bringing years of quality dance teaching experience into the…
Interactive & Engaging Programs
From in-studio examinations to our popular Teacher’s Training School, ADAPT offers various opportunity for dancers of all ages and skill. Under the…
The Leading Dance Syllabus
ADAPT is North America’s leading professional dance certification program. With over 600 ADAPT Certified Graduates teaching at top dance studios around the…