Testimonial 7
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. My time in year one T.T.S. has been more than I could have hoped…
Testimonial 1
Mr. & Mrs. Foley, you both are so wonderful! I don’t even know where or how to begin to thank you both!…
Testimonial 2
Thanks for everything ADAPT has given me at T.T.S. Your methods, ideas and words of wisdom have taught me so much and…
Testimonial 3
Thank you ADAPT for all the great times at T.T.S. over the past three years. Everything you have said has given me…
Testimonial 4
T.T.S. has given me the tools to grow and become a better dance educator. Thank you for this opportunity, your patience and…
Testimonial 5
I came to T.T.S. looking for inspiration, motivation and something new and different. I found all that and much, much more. Thank…
Testimonial 6
Mr. & Mrs. Foley, thank you for all that you have done for me. Your mentorship, knowledge, kindness and dedication to my…